Yet Another Hydraulic Press
I mostly finished this hydraulic bearing press today made almost entirely from stuff I dragged out of my materials pile. I did have to buy two gate springs and some paint so I missed my objective of not spending any money on this project but not by much.
The press arch and ram is fixed in position and cribbing is built up on the lower deck to place the part to be pressed at a suitable height (the red iron I beams are part of the cribbing set which will live at the press). The lower support plate has two sized cutouts in it which can be used by flipping the plate halves and of course the part can always be directly supported by appropriate cribbing underneath. The jack is old and the markings are gone so I'd guess it's 5 ton or less but I'll probably buy a stronger jack in the future.
I haven't made any adapters to fit the upper pin yet, but one I'm going to make will hold a Jacobs chuck for holding shafts to press various pins out of work pieces.
If you haven't tried Rustoleum Hammered metal paint yet (NOT the Forged Hammered flavor) you should. Doesn't require much surface prep or any primer, goes on easy, hides imperfections, looks great and is surprisingly hard and durable once cured.