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Thread: XB-35 Flying Wing RC Model

  1. #31
    Supporting Member jjr2001's Avatar
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    Paint whenever I can. I just prefer a paint finish to Monokote. I know, it is heavier. But that is ok. I have been known to fly with double batteries for more stability in the wind and it helps.

    Micro ballons is a fiberglass "powder" that can be mixed with paint or glue and used as filler but I still like the LWS. Even with the paint added, if you wait long enough it will sand out ok.

    Cheers, JR

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    Last edited by jjr2001; Jan 26, 2017 at 09:11 PM.

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  3. #32
    Supporting Member C-Bag's Avatar
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    My current way to appease my aircraft jones is through the newest version of the Russian WWII sim IL2. So far they have done the Battle of Stalingrad, Battle of Moscow, working on the Battle Kuban and the next theater change will be the Pacific. The forums are fascinating for all kinds of history, specs and the endless discussion for flight dynamics. There is a lot of bias and sometimes it gets pretty heated.

    Every time there is a new theater announced there is discussion of upcoming aircraft. Because of the focus being for several years all Russian and German aircraft with one lend lease(P 40) and one Italian allied aircraft, with the new front being the Pacific the Zero has come up. Of course there is a LOT discussion pro and con but this doc was posted and I found it fascinating in that like the Russian aircraft there was not that much real info on it until the net came along.

    It is long and there is a Japanese bias I think on some of the claims but overall it is and incredible inside look at the development of the A6M. The fact that came out relevant to the XB35 was the use of washout as being the secret weapon to the Zero's ability to out turn anything in the air at the time. And it seemed it wasn't just simple washout it was a spiral which was not duplicated by the US until well after the war.

    I knew very little about especially the Russian aircraft and their designers before the sim. It has been very interesting to go through the different time frames, Moscow, Stalingrad, and now Kuban with their corresponding aircraft and series and how different they each fly. Because of the fact the IL2 team is small and the WWII sim community being small we have been able to lobby to expand the lineup of aircraft from just fighters, bombers and ground attack to transport(Ju52 and hopefully C-47/Li2) to hopefully spotter aircraft like the Storch and Po2 and others. This sim community is a very dedicated bunch and have worked hard to expand the function of the game by providing maps and addons and in some cases like the semi failed Cliffs of Dover IL2 Battle of Britian sim, through independent work fixed it and now are going to expand it working with the main team.

    Add to this all kinds of content like specific historical missions and it gets pretty involved depending on how proficient you want to get. I'm a fairly poor fighter pilot, better ground pounder and mostly love to fly the huge detailed maps. I'd love to have the Storch to be able to do STOL into the rough terrain of the Eastern Front. And now that they have updated the engine to DX 11 the door is wide open for virtual.

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  4. #33
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    IL2 great sim. I have an old copy and used it before I started flying RC. Along with that I had Microsoft flight sim (several reincarnations) Combat flight sim, at least 2 versions, and many others. The best of the best was probably Falcon 4. You have to learn the plane and the counter measures or you get the message "Archer Inbound" after which you are dead! I really liked that sim but had a lot of trouble staying alive very long. Falcon 4 is still maintained by dedicated users but the original producer bowed out of the sim. Even Real Flight had an on line mode but mine is so old no-one flies it on line any more.

    I may just have to look into the new IL2 sim. Sounds like fun. (no Archers I hope..he he)

    Washout is used in a lot of models. I don't know who invented it but they sure knew how wings work!.

    Painting on the final coat of XB-35 special stealth material. Should be ready to fly Monday.

    Cheers, JR

  5. #34
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    I came to IL 2 1946 , late, a couple of years ago. It is good but VERY dated especially graphically. The planes for the most part feel like most of the sims I've flown except for the ancient Fighter Duel. There's just the feeling like being on rails or sitting in your chair. Fighter Duel was a amazing, it ran great on my old 386. Each plane felt and flew different and there was readout and blackout realist stalls and spins and most amazing was the buffeting when you got close on somebody's tail.

    Same with the interim sim Cliffs of Dover. CLOD looks stunning but the flight has not got any feeling. The thing the new IL2 excels at is imparting somehow the feeling of flying. The sound is pretty amazing too like the wind noise at high angles of attack and of course the engine and guns. A real high percentage of the dedicated are pilots in real life are to be found on the forums and on the different servers.

    And like me, feel like jets are somehow not as challenging. Having to catch your foe unaware or somehow out maneuvering him then through good old gunnery defeating him much more satisfying than fire and forget. In expert mode there is a lot of engine management depending on the plane all while trying not to die. Check it out:

    "Special stealth material"? Flat black or? Can't wait for the final pix and how it flies. Good luck!

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  7. #35
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    Deleted repeat

  8. #36
    PJs is offline
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    Looking forward to seeing your painted beauty JR! Added a grand daughter to the tree last night, may be busy for a few days.
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  10. #37
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    Hey congrats G-pa Wiz! One of each, how cool is that!

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  12. #38
    Supporting Member jjr2001's Avatar
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    All Painted and Ready To Fly

    Congrats PJ

    C-Bag, my "special stealth coating" is just ACE hardware silver paint. Not exactly aluminum but ok for a flying model. Stealth paint means that it is hard for me to see in the air! CG came out right on the designers mark and that is with 5200 mah 3 cell Lipo (2ea. 3 cell 2600 in parallel_. Six or seven minute flight should be the norm.
    That is a lot more power than the original model.

    Pictures of the completed bird. Ran her up with all 4 turning and I do not think that 4 lbs 6 oz will be too over weight.

    Here they are:
    Attached Thumbnails Attached Thumbnails XB-35 Flying Wing RC Model-dscf0002.jpg   XB-35 Flying Wing RC Model-dscf0003.jpg   XB-35 Flying Wing RC Model-dscf0004.jpg  

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  14. #39
    Supporting Member C-Bag's Avatar
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    JR that is just awesome! I hope it flies like it looks. Waiting for the vid.

  15. #40
    Supporting Member C-Bag's Avatar
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    You know looking at that thing, it looks so slick how in the world are you going to get it down to some kind of sane approach speed? There's no flaps or very interesting me thinks.

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