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Thread: What has happened to the Homemade in HomemadeTools?

  1. #1

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    What has happened to the Homemade in HomemadeTools?

    When I open the daily newsletter it is less and less about homemade tools more about items of commercial origin.

    Certainly they offer some interest but are far from do it yourself or homemade.

    Surely the well of DIY creative thinking is not drying up?

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  3. #2
    Supporting Member C-Bag's Avatar
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    C-Bag's Tools
    Quote Originally Posted by Ozwelder View Post
    When I open the daily newsletter it is less and less about homemade tools more about items of commercial origin
    For example?

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  5. #3
    Supporting Member Toolmaker51's Avatar
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    To me, while the connotation of 'Homemade Tools' COULD mean actually Homemade; reality and all our varied tasks broaden that plenty. It's rather like tides, some work evolves, some pop out of the blue, ebbing all the time. My homemade has been one time or others been fabricated from commercial materials, modified or repaired to a commercial product, a commercial item used in a non-traditional way, or just about any project in a not 'for profit' situation. The outcome isn't restricted to tangible items, even ideas are still potential homemade. My employment, avocation, and the long running project are intertwined, no actual demarcation twixt them. Boiled down, in most current situations Homemade is not so What, but Who conceived and created by means at hand.
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  7. #4
    Supporting Member C-Bag's Avatar
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    I wasn't trying to be combative, I was trying to get some perspective. I mean that sincerely. It's a fact we all don't see things the same and I could be blind to it. I also first look in the homemade tools forum and there is a vast array of homemade stuff in there to me, but seen through another's eyes maybe not. Maybe the OP isn't looking there, dunno.

    We just got done a while ago with two folks who were dissatisfied with the way things were posted and seemed to think it was folks holding back because they were going to sell details as "plans". I didn't see it that way, for me it's all about the ideas, but I had to agree with them that things were not always presented well enough to get the whole idea even. But that's why I ask questions. This seemed to not be ok with them, which was too bad. To my mind it doesn't help the poster understand how to better present their project and just to impart some kind of feedback and participation by posters and lookers.

    I haven't been here long enough to know what it was like before but it seems to me there has been an uptick in the new postings and new faces participating. From the very start I've been shocked at how many folks lurk here and never even comment or ask a question......14,000+, truly the digital tide of just lurkers.

  8. #5
    Jon is online now Jon has agreed the Seller's Terms of Service
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    Ozwelder - can we get more details here? We're pretty good at altering the site from user feedback, but I need to get some more specifics here before we can act.
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  9. #6

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    Quote Originally Posted by Jon View Post
    Ozwelder - can we get more details here? We're pretty good at altering the site from user feedback, but I need to get some more specifics here before we can act.
    The following titles were some of what I saw when opening the various daily "Homemade Tools" newsletters quite recently.

    sharpening table saw blades at Quinn Saw
    Jon 01/9/2016
    Antikythera Mechanism
    Jon 16/10/2016
    manufacturing dinner plates GIF
    Jon 17/10/2016
    baby excavator hatching in the wild
    Jon 18/10/2016
    spring forming machine GIF and short video
    immersion printing GIF
    Jon 20/102016
    Arctic convoy to the DEW Line with giant Mack trucks
    Jon 21/10/2016
    video of WWII German military helmets repurposed into colanders
    Jon 24/10 2016
    Crayon manufacturing GIF
    Jon 25 /10 /2016

    I saw them as a filler to be used when more suitable posting material was be searched for.
    Having said that the vast majority of posts are quite useful and often serve as a catalyst to get off my backside and synthesis an idea for something I am building at the time .

    Certainly the various titles are certainly titbits of interest to different folks on the board, but honestly, manufacturing ,advertising and historical interest does not emanate from the home workshop and that is the crux of my post.

    That is why I posted the comment.

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    Jon is online now Jon has agreed the Seller's Terms of Service
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    Ah, understood, thanks for clarifying. Yes, exactly, we have a new Tool Talk subforum, and "tidbits of interest" is a good way of phrasing that content. I agree that some of the posts are not directly focused on home workshops. We're trying to encourage people to post relevant stuff without necessarily having to submit a finished tool build. I should note that we have no commercial relationship with any of the content posted there; some of it features companies, but they don't pay us anything.

    The point of that subforum is to feature lite content that's of interest to our community, but not necessarily composed of homemade tools. The GIFs (usually one per day) are used to showcase unusual or special machine movement that can be viewed quickly without watching an entire video.

    What do you think of some of the more tool-oriented posts in that forum? Stuff like this:

    Lichtenberg figure woodworking
    Cuban homemade tools and technological disobedience
    Wood reference charts
    Steam-powered machine shop
    bandsaw clinic video from Carter Tools
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  12. #8
    Supporting Member C-Bag's Avatar
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    Thanks Ozwelder for responding and clarifying. See, I never would have guessed this is what you were talking about.

    Personally I like the posts and because they are GIF's I don't have to go to YouTube to watch them. They are short and sweet and often show a process or idea that I didn't know anything about. And because it's in Off Topic, anything goes. Since for most of us it's not about bandwidth anymore I don't think about space and clutter.

    I'm always amazed at the stuff Jon finds and it does keep me looking and checking on them when there's nothing holding my interest on the main forum. I love seeing the human powered stuff like the crazy guys in Africa climbing on the human powered Ferris wheel. The guy in Italy with his human powered amusement park and the interesting processes and mechanisms, some of which you mention. I guess the simple fix would be to not send the collection of them out as an email, as that's not where I get aware of them anyway. Maybe you need a poll Jon? Some people do get annoyed with too much traffic in the email inbox. Is it possible to block those emails but not the tool emails?

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  14. #9
    Supporting Member Frank S's Avatar
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    I cannot speak for others, but I for one am about tools or machines period. Homemade, re-purposed,new old large or small. limited production specialty or mass produced from the highest quality down to the throw away doesn't matter to me.
    I started making my own tools well over 50 years ago. Daily I look forward to having a look see in every sub forum on this site.
    I find there are several here who come up with some really great ideas and some who come up with some extremely dangerous ones as well. I know too, that there are several on these forums who I consider real intellectuals, plus te
    here are some extremely highly skilled individuals who very probably view the various Gifs of not so homemade toos or machines as possible intriguing ideas for future builds either in whole or parts of them.
    I thank the admin of this site for all of their hard work I know it cannot be an easy task to find content to keep this site in a positive growth format.
    All too many well run sites over the years have withered away due to a lack of growth.
    Never try to tell me it can't be done
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  16. #10
    Jon is online now Jon has agreed the Seller's Terms of Service
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    We'll likely gradually tone down the prominent placement of the Tool Talk posts in the newsletter. It launched well and less-and-less needs additional promotion. The videos, text posts, and GIFs have proven their value, and possibly (hard to measure) eliminated a bit of the belief that you can only post a finished tool here. Ozwelder's point about commercial confusion is important. Stuff like the Carter Bandsaw clinic is clearly from a company, but extremely useful, and I don't want people to think that we're subtly advertising for them.

    Glad to see that the positive growth here is appreciated! I'm a big fan of the "growth hacking" sites and ideas, and have even written some basic forum software to measure growth metrics. It's amazing some of the tiny things that contribute hugely to growth. Encouraging people to upload an avatar, asking new users "What can we help with?" instead of just "What are you building?". Recently I wrote a basic program that I use every morning to manually record the stated interests of new users. So if someone registers and says that they have a background in heavy equipment, I make a note of it. Then when someone else asks a heavy equipment-related question in the Tools in Progress subforum, I send that first person an email asking if they can help with the question, but only if they've become inactive on the forum. Etc.
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  17. The Following 3 Users Say Thank You to Jon For This Useful Post:

    olderdan (Nov 15, 2016), PJs (Nov 15, 2016), Toolmaker51 (Nov 11, 2016)

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