I have been using this great program for several years now and cannot recommend it highly enough. It can now be downloaded at:
It may take a bit of time to work out all your gearbox ratios but it is time well spent. Make sure you save your work and also save your ratios as a simple txt file. I had a major meltdown and fortunately I had the ratios saved on a USB stick,(lives in the lathe toolbox), for future reference.
I use it to work out configurations for threads not listed. It can also be used to work out missing gears so I used it to work out every new change gear needed to do every common thread as my lathe came with only one change gear. In a pinch you can use it to see how close what you have can get to what is needed, I start at 0.0000001% and work up until I get some hits for this.
Saves a lot of time doing mathematics. Enjoy.