The endeavor of knifemaking to me is a hobby, but also an entrepreneurial challenge. I like seeing what I can do without spending a large amount of money. One of my 2019 goals with knifemaking is to be cash neutral. So in light of this, the WEN system peaked my interest in comparison to the Tormek solely based on price.

It's not fool proof though! In order for the system to be effective... you'll need to purchase multiple other attachments and also modify some of them! Just make sure you're aware of this if you're looking to try it out.

After I've worked out some of the kinks and technique challenges, I really like this system. It makes knifes really sharp, pretty damn fast. Even if I went on to another system, I feel like I'd still utilize the power strop to knock off the bur.

Anyway, below is my full video review of the system.
