Hi all:
I'm Retired (well disabled and unable to work really). I spent 25 years of my 50 years of my working for pay in the Building/Maintenance/Handiman/custodial trades taking my shop and skills to the worksite or place of employment. I started pounding nails and building things around the age of 8 and started my first shop (sort of) at the age of 10. Over the years I have purchased tools (mainly cheapies) and added or upgraded as needed or I could afford. I was basically forced to quit working when a construction accident of 40 years ago finally came back to haunt me. I've had Back surgery and my left shoulder repaired and am due to have the right shoulder repaired in the near future. I have spent the last 5 years sitting and decided last fall to get back into the shop and do some artsie crafts and maybe get back into making 2 X 4 furniture and pallet projects.
I have spent time this past winter renovating my little shop (which is above my garage) to accommodate me and my cane and/or walker.
Disability Pensions don't pay much and I am in need of things like thickness planers, jointers and all kinds of jigs to mill and shape wood and I think I have the skills and the time to build what I need.
SOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO, I'm looking for simple easy plans to build shop tools
So that's ME, and we are STRANGERS NO MORE, hope to talk to some of you in the future