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Thread: Water filtration and storage tower for my house

  1. #1
    Supporting Member Frank S's Avatar
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    Water filtration and storage tower for my house

    The water tower storage and filtration structure is getting closer.
    I still have about 8 to 10 braces to cut and weld in place plus the door frame then later the purlins and siding
    Eventually a concrete overlay floor will be poured but that may be a while
    Right now I have the structure just standing in place and set to level and plumb . most of the 600 lb inverted concrete curbing blocks have been in place through at least 5 inches of rain fall so they are pretty well settled in. Next I need to weld on the feet and anchor them to the blocks with machinery grout and anchor bolts.
    I started out to make it to be able to hold a 1000 gallon tank on the top and 2 225 gallon totes on the mezzanine with another 2 to 300 gallon tank on the bottom but as it progressed by the time I get all of the bracing and anchorage plus the 3" slab floor poured in it I could actually mount a 2000 to 2500 gallon tank on top But will probably go with a 1100 or 1500 gallon tank since they are only 87 inches in diameter , the upper platform is 8' x 8'
    Currently there is 188 ft or 2 3/8 oilfield pipe in it and 64 ft of 2 x 2 x 1/4 wall sq tubing
    I will be adding about another 50 ft of pipe 24 ft of 2 1/2" sq tube for the door frame and haven't decided on what I will use for purlin yet but every weld makes it that much stiffer and the re bar for the floor will be welded to the structure as well I seriously don't see this thing ever moving once it is complete
    Water filtration and  storage  tower for my house-20170605_183616dd.jpg
    I have a complex filtration system worked out to install once I get to that point. Since I already own such a system and several pumps I might as well use it.
    the water from my well will be diverted from the house to the filter system then up into the storage with a continuous recirculating 5 stage filtration system
    Part of my reason for doing this is the wells in this area contain a lot of gypsum plus mine was poorly done when drilled they made the bore hole too small in diameter to add sufficient gravel around the casing at the perforations level so the silt and sand will clog it if I I don't keep the pump choked down to a very low flow rate my plan is to use the much smaller pressure tank that I have but make the well water pass through the 300 lb gravel,sand and charcoal pool filter before it reaches the pressure tank then it will be allowed to make the 600 ft run to the water tower where the first stage will be a 300 gallon float tank which will be included as part of the primary filtration system eventually the water will wind up in the upper storage tank it will gravity fall to a demand pressure pump and my 100 gallon pressure tank then to the house.
    Everything in the system will be set up so I can back flush where required and bypass for change out where needed

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  3. #2
    Supporting Member Imabass's Avatar
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    What tank are you using?

    I have been thinking of building a water tower to storage for livestock.

    I was thinking of using a 3,000ish gallon steel tank (like a old propane type of tank). Get it maybe 20-25' above the ground. Use my water pump to fill it up when water is in the creek. every 1,000 gallons of water storage will weigh 8,000 pounds. So my structure would need to support about 30,000#.

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  4. #3
    Supporting Member Frank S's Avatar
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    I will most likely be using a black poly tank from 1000 to 1500 gallons made for potable water storage
    While the structure would be sufficient to support a 2500 or so tank full of water after all of the bracing is welded in place the 2500 gallon round tanks are about 106" in diameter while the 1000 and 1500 gallon tanks are only 87 to 90 inches in diameter my platform is 96 by 96 and I prefer to keep the tank within the confines of the platform this will further keep the weight inside of the structure.
    We don't currently have any live stock so we don't require a high volume of water daily. Actually we are not even using the well at this time. We simply haul our water from the city water supply about 13 miles away and barely use it fast enough to keep the 225 gallon totes clean inside even at that about every other filling I stop by the car wash first to give them a good 30 minute rinse out with bleach then hot water just to make sure any pathogen propagation is reduced there is nothing worse than taking a hot shower then itching for an hour afterwards. Well drinking it and becoming ill might be but we don't drink that water we use water from the ice house

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    Last edited by Frank S; Sep 6, 2017 at 01:03 AM.
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