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oh no thats for a wind turbine,I dont see any water anywhere:smash:
1941 dress factory workers. San Juan, Puerto Rico.
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US Army Privates Mearl Hatfield and Clen C. Campbell operating the portable laundry diesel engine, New Guinea, 19 Apr 1943.
are me privates near that diesel engine doing laundry....better keep them privates away from them belts or your laundry will really be soiled!!!along with your love life:sweating:
Well they'd have to be privates, because making a corporal do it would be ...corporal punishment...[gdr]
marksbug and bruce.desertrat cut ahead in joke queue.
So I took the high road and looked at history. Mountains of content for Allied effort [340,000 troops] to capture from defending Imperial forces of 500,000. Operative laundry ~13 months after amphibious landings. Among, if not toughest campaign in Pacific Theater, 23 January 1942 – August 1945
no job was eazy there, no job was unimportant,they did what was needed and told to do. some pulled their weight some pulled more.some were under qualified some were over qualified. sorry for jumping ahead, but my laundry was almost done and I didn't want any wrinkles from my wife....
Blacksmithing class at West High School in Salt Lake City, Utah. 1915.
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lunch time!!!! looks like cooking class!!!