Hi All,
I am new here and hope I am in the right place to ask the following question.
I bought a box with threading tools.
Most metric, some withworth.
Also 3 tap sets with markings VB 17, VB 19, VB 20, VB 21, VB 24, VB25. Manufactured by LDK. It also says acier fondu (=cast steel)
I have not measured them all yet but these are odd sizes. for instance VB 19 is 26 gauge and is 4,7 mm thick
VB 24 measues 20 threads to an inch and is 6,7 mm thick. It is hard to tell weather it is 55 or 60 degrees.
I cannot find any reference on the internet to VB threads or the maker, nor threads with these specifications.
Who can tell me what these are?