maybe I'm off base here, but I always viewed my calipers (vernier or digital) as measuring instruments, but I see more and more videos of people using them as scribes ( like the way a jenny or odd leg divider is used) - I've seen several videos with people using the external jaws, or the internal jaws to scribe steel for distances, scribe circles, etc.
I know there is no rule which says people can't use a tool how they like, but I also wonder if the manufacturer ever built these to be used that way. Most of my calipers are steel (stainless or otherwise) - not tungsten - I suspect the points of the internal jaws would be ruined, and the corners of the externals would rub away over time.
Is what I'm seeing common? is it recommended use?
I see things like that, and I cringe at the idea of letting others near my tools if they were to think that was acceptable practice.