Jon (Dec 11, 2020), KustomsbyKent (Dec 11, 2020), Moby Duck (Dec 11, 2020), suther51 (Dec 11, 2020)
As Isambard said it is a tap holder. Many tap holders only hold the square part of the tap and that allows radial movement of the tap. The pictured tap holder uses the 3 jaws for a more accurate and rigid fixation and the floating square is used only for driving the tap not for location. I have a couple of those "chucks" on reversing tapping heads.
Using a friction clutched tapping head for threading bolts/studs etc.Hi
this is an archer tapping head. In my opinion one of the best friction tapping heads ever made. I made a die stock so it could also be used for external threads. There are several sizes of tapping chucks in the range. At the morse taper end there is a nut which tightens down with a c-spanner onto two friction plates and steel washer this clutch is set to drive the tap, but if the tap jams the clutch slips as the spindle rotates and the chuck stops, stopping the tap from breaking. Hope this helps
The home engineer
Last edited by thehomeengineer; Dec 12, 2020 at 04:17 AM.
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