One of the limitations on my tool and cutter (plus surface) grinder was the coarse vertical feed on the motor carriage. I came up with an approach that still allows fast vertical traverse but also allows a very fine down feed for the grinder. It took a bit longer to make than I thought it would but it was worth the effort.
Based on a simple ramp and using a 5/16-18 piece of all thread, one steel ramp and one brass ramp and aluminum for the housing. It has about .250" travel up or down. The screw moves the ramp by one inch to move the height .250" so it is very fine. Positioning is just by sliding it up or down until the adjuster contacts the motor mount and then locking the brass locking knob. The 1/2-10 original lead screw "floats" in its lower mounting block so when I need the fineness I simply run the adjuster up to the bottom of the grinder mount and back off the 1/2-10 lead screw. Gravity and the brass knob on the left side do the adjusting. The carriage has separate aluminum knobs that lock it in place once the desired height is reached.
Cheers, JR
Here is a link to the tool and cutter grinder: