When it goes wrong. No idea what we have here, probably a testing facility of some sort.
Andyt (Apr 11, 2019), baja (Apr 11, 2019), Scotsman Hosie (Apr 10, 2019), Seedtick (Apr 11, 2019), Tule (Apr 11, 2019)
It looks like it was shot out of the launch tube by some type of propellant but failed to fire once it cleared the tube then exploded on impact. That or it fired in the tube for launch but failed before leaving the tube, then exploded on impact.
Whichever the case it is clear that something went very wrong.
I can't imagine why the person filming the video started filming the ground
Last edited by Frank S; Apr 10, 2019 at 03:07 PM.
Never try to tell me it can't be done
When I have to paint I use KBS products
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