U.S. dollar bill symbols and their meaning - photo
Funny the worst president on the $100,000 bill
It's always annoyed me that all our US bills, with only a couple of exceptions, honor political hacks. European bills used to honor the country's scientists, authors, artists, etc. - people who actually accomplished something more important and lasting than getting elected.
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Funny the worst president on the $100,000 bill
While most certainly not one of the best if there ever has been a best. Many would argue that Woodrow Wilson has not been the worst.
Another interesting tid bit is there are a total of 3 denominations of the US currency which do not portray the face of a President. the $10.00 bill has Alaxander Hamilton the $100.00 Benjermin Franklin and the 10,000.00 has Salmon P. Chase. One other thing is the 100.00 is 10x the 10.00 and the 10,000.00 is 100x the 100.00 the $10,000.00 Federal Reserve note was the highest value ever available to the public, President Andrew Jackson's picture was on the $10,000.00 gold certificate though
Now for a question why, or is there a significance to the 10x & 100x multiple to the $10.00, $100.00 & the $10,000.00 bills?
-Another relevant question is why all the different value bills are of the same size?
Many countries have different sizes for the different coins as well as for the bills (not only as a service to the blind),
and has anybody any idea of why it already in 1928 was given the (6.14 x 2.61") Cinemascope (invented in the early fifties) 1:2.35 ratio?
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-Another relevant question is why all the different value bills are of the same size?
Different sizes can get out of hand. Remember the old £5 note? I can't remember which country (Netherlands, Germany?) had a unit bill so small it could be easily lost. But even a 5% difference in size would be helpful; after all, the USA has only six sizes of bills in circulation.
In addition to varying size, how about different colors?
All good ideas but changing the money here would be as difficult as changing the measurement system. The OFs would have nothing to do with it. Even the attempts to introduce a $1 coin have been failures. (Making it nearly the same size as the quarter didn't help.)
If the dollar coin was half way between the Kennedy half and Ike dollar, more people might have used it, making it gold tone helped, but it was too close to a quarter in size.
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Funny the worst president on the $100,000 bill
Only because it was discontinued so long ago, an intermittent stream but contenders aplenty since then. Current and numerous polls indicate a very fresh nominee!