yesterday and today the wind was almost dead calm Lost yesterday due to having to do the wife wants to go to get groceries thing which could have waited another month or 2 by my estimation of the pantry, freezer and fridge but the boss is the boss.
so this morning started trying to get the back hoe started at around 9 am in 20's something temps. it wasn't having it. the old battery just didn't have enough reserve to get a good crank over speed. Out comes the 30/60/300 Schumacher. Charge a while then spin over a few seconds then charge a while again. repeat and repeat get frustrated go round up a couple electric heaters place one at injector pump the other on the opposite side of the block. Sun's out nice and bright the hours tick by the temps climbing but back hoe parked north side of building shaded from the sun. I refuse to use a starting aid on the old engine last thing I need is to turn it into a drug Addick. It either starts or it don't and I go do something else. So one final attempt flip charger up on the 300 amp setting give it a spin it starts and blows black smoke for several minutes while warming up. By now it is noon half the day gone wasted the rare calm wind.
Fly 4 purlin up weld them in place fly the remaining 6 up weld 2 more in place by now it is getting on past 4 PM all and all a productive day best so far on the roof project but now need to move the mobile scaffold. get everything moved out of the way and say the heck with it I'm supposed to have a new battery come tomorrow or Thursday and Bob may be able to stick around for a couple hours to help steer and move the scaffold Going to be too windy to risk welding tomorrow sparks started a couple of small grass fires today even in the almost calm wind but the Fire marshal wife took care of them with her shovel
4 more purlin, 4 more purlin I keep saying then I can sheet the whole north roof.
Did I say I only have 4 more purlin to put up on that side?
Oh yeah part of yesterday was used in welding in the last crapy brace between the trusses.
This officially uses up every last piece of the old trusses from the building I took down