Oh its winter blend alright just that it is winter blend for the Armadillo area may be good enough to get you over Veil if you don't stop and are not driving through the slushy stuff.
Stopped in Green River one time back in the 90's, in the wife's little Ford Ranger to gas up just as they were putting the stickers on their pumps stating their fuel had winterizing agents in it. I'm thinking OK diesel sure but gasoline? went in to the fuel desk to ask what's up. Oh its a new mandate by the state to winterize all fuels.
So what does that do to the newer vehicles with electronic fuel injection systems?
Well it shouldn't hurt them the state says it is safe.
OH sure and Lee Harvey Oswald acted alone, do you have the MSDS on the stuff in your pumps if so where is it posted for all to read?
No I've never seen it.
Then contact your fuel supplier and have them fax it over to you I want a copy and am not leaving until I read it for myself.
45 minutes later I finally get a call back to the fuel desk and am handed 20 pages of fax to read 15 pages of WARNINGS for various vehicle models DO NOT EXCEED bla, bla, bla percentage or risk damage. The wife's Ranger was not on the list.
I asked the manager don't you think that you might want to post a warning on your pumps telling customers there cold be a potential risk factor when using your fuel unless certain precautionary measures are not taken?
After reading the MSDS he called their supplier and had them come out to test the blend. When we stopped by there on our way back form Seattle the manager spied me coming into the store ran over and said you can never know how much money you might have saved this fuel center the supplier had just dumped the additive in the tanks and hadn't bothered to run a blender down in them some of the tanks tested 60% above the maximum allowed. we got our tank filled for free our breakfast and a host of travel goodies that I would have never spent the amount of money they would have cost to by, as a thank you.