Team carpet knee kicking.
Carpet fitting knee kicker - video
Portable carpet binding machine - GIF
Rug tufting tool - GIF
Team carpet knee kicking.
Carpet fitting knee kicker - video
Portable carpet binding machine - GIF
Rug tufting tool - GIF
New plans added on 11/20: Click here for 2,589 plans for homemade tools.
johncg (Jan 27, 2022), nova_robotics (Jan 30, 2022)
I had a friend when I was younger (in our 20's) who was a carpet layer. Very fun guy, always joking around. Worked by himself maybe with a helper if he had a big job. Tall thin guy. Strong as an ox. But by his mid 20's he could no longer stand up straight from being bent over all day long. His knees were already trashed. He totally wore his body out doing that work.
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