A while back, actually last week I made a nuisance bid on Hewitt Packard 500 Designjet 500 wide format printer.
What did I pay for it well a family of 4 would spend more on a meal @ McDonalds
But does it work? The answer to that is, It powers up initializes and runs a diagnostic on itself then it tells me there is a fault in the ink carriages 2 are empty one has a clogged nozzle and the magenta feeder hose has a kink in it so I am pretty sure it will work just fine after I spend $200.00 for new ink carriages clean the nozzles and massage the kink out of the magenta line. Woo Hoo a $3500.00 printer for lass than 2 big mac meals and a couple of happy meals
I anyone is wondering just how big the thing is