Here is my earth-shattering, world saving, revolutionary, universal envy for uber low cost newest project!
Oh wait, that's a way too common YouTube intro...
Posting a very recent [3 minutes ago] fixture, simplifying repairs inside vehicles or other tight spots. Cost is super low, already had the material, bits totaled about $1.50. Angle aluminum 1/8" x 1/2" x 2", spring clamp with *10 fasteners, 2 alligator clips with *8 thread-cutting fasteners, a ring of magnet of ceramic/ ferrite, and a little 2 part epoxy.
The magnet offers lots of mounting locations in auto's, that don't appear in say, boats, it's epoxied in place.
That's where the spring clamp comes into play....even grabs a cardboard box or plastic tray. The clamp is mounted with a stack of lock-washers and flat-washers to create a clutch, holding a convenient position
Mounting the alligator clips, one is in a hole, the other is slotted. That allows mesh or western union splices in multiple wire sizes, as larger wire wants a proportionally bit longer connection. It's also a clutch, allowing quick but firm slide adjustment.
Magnet is to be mounted as shown; too late and cool out for a dependable bond, can wait till morning.
Hashed awhile over desired elements that materials on hand accommodated; heavier bits at one end, a profile flat as possible, stores in the tool kit, adaptability, plus [of course] the entertainment achieved doing something useful and lasting.
That's All Folks!