My irrigation system is a mix of 0.710 inch diameter tubing called "Soft Pipe" and 1/2" PVC which in these parts is called "Hard Pipe". Transitioning between hard and soft pipe can be done with a $4 coupler or a 50 cent coupler. People commonly choose to pay the $4 because it doesn't take superhuman strength to attach the soft pipe. The 50 cent coupler requires the user to push this soft pipe through an undersized hole. In order to keep the soft pipe from sliding, you must work bare handed and apply more force than I can muster. It almost tears the skin right off your hands.
Surely someone sells a tool to do this task! Not that I could find. I even went down to the irrigation store and ask if they had one. They never heard of such a device.
This article presents a tool that gets this job done without a lot of effort.
If you are interested, please see
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