I wanted a speeder for the 4jaw chuck wrench. A simple one like this...
was a possibility but I decided I wanted a regular crank handle that turned freely when I used it to rotate the chuck wrench.
What I finally decided on was so simple to make and works so well that it's worth displaying so others who need such can benefit from its simplicity. The photo below shows the parts. The key part is a shoulder bolt. Choose a length to suit your particular situation. The brass spinner that you grab is drilled out for a nice sliding fit on the shoulder of the bolt. One end of the brass is counter-bored to a depth such that the entire head of the bolt can fit into it. The other end of the brass is trimmed to a length such that, when the shoulder bolt is tightened down, the brass spinner is still free to turn.
And that's all there is to the spinner. The steel mount for the spinner part has a cross-drilled hole to match the 4jaw wrench handle. A setscrew secures it to the wrench. The other end of the mount is threaded to take the shoulder bolt. Put it all together and it looks like this...