I made a simple improvement in a cooking tool. It may not seem important, but these days, a lot of people are learning about preparing and storing food in case hard times come, and drying apples is one of the things people do. I improved an apple peeling machine.
The world’s most popular peeler/corer is a Chinese contraption made of cast iron. They run around $25. They look like they could not possibly work, but they’re excellent. You can peel, slice, and core an apple in around 10 seconds, including putting it on the machine and taking it off.
The machine has a screw, and on the end of the screw, there is a fork. You jam your apple onto the fork and turn the screw. The screw shoves the apple toward a stainless blade with a hole in it. The core goes through the hole, the blade spiral-slices the apple, and a second attachment removes the skin.
I'll post a link to an Amazon listing so people can see what the machine looks like.
The problem with this machine is that the blade/corer is only anchored by one screw. It has to be held rigidly because apples will knock it off-center, and one screw will not get the job done.
I drilled a hole through the blade, and I drilled and tapped a hole in the body of the machine. I ran a screw through the hole, into the machine. The machine's original screw has a washer, and it was in the way of the new screw, so I ground some metal off the washer. I'll post a photo.
When you're slicing up large numbers of apples, the moving blade is extremely annoying, and it slows things down. Now I don't have to deal with that.