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Thread: showing build details

  1. #11
    Supporting Member mklotz's Avatar
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    Is this the post for which you searched?...

    Just to test my search-fu, I went to the advanced search page and searched posts and forums for anything containing the word "bender" and authored by "PJs". The URL above was the first item in the list returned by the search engine.

    When you search, try to search for words that the article might likely contain, as opposed to some guess at the title of the article. As best you can, pick words that are longish and relatively uncommon. "bender" isn't super uncommon but when you combine that with the specified authorship the number of possible results drops dramatically. You're almost certain to have a result list that can be eyeballed in a few seconds.

    Searching is arguably the most useful aspect of the personal computer. Learning how to construct self-narrowing searches to exploit that utility is very worthwhile.

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    Regards, Marv

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  3. #12
    Supporting Member Toolmaker51's Avatar
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    In complete agreement with Mr. C-Bag. The web generates more content than possible [or needs] to be absorbed. Not being savvy to I-pads etc, my access is via laptop so saving what ever is double-easy; the trick is sufficient depth in folders/ sub-folders being correctly itemized. Subsequently, I delete history all the time; mostly because I re-title tabs to suit precedence of 'filing' anyway.
    Compared to how many paper & pen authors there were historically, is effectively zero now in relation to the ability of anyone/ anywhere/ anytime to generate web content. I'd guarantee not two of those have precisely same resources; in ability, hardware, or software. To even out that field will not likely occur; well run sites like this take care of most technical issues. Personal limitations remain. We probably don't account for a learning curve in participation. The same parameters exist in 'our' work spaces. On one hand, mere "I made this" posts could use a bit of detail; but at the same time this isn't a patent office. I cannot decide whether step x step or just an outline is superior...One satisfies those needing instant gratification, the other fuels creativity. As an individual, I'd have to say I use both of them within confines of expenditure & need in first decision of 'do it now or save for later'.
    Even here on, great projects have less than perfect adaptability. Whether they ignite anew or generate solutions; that is what elevates us all.

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    ...we'll learn more by wandering than searching...

  4. #13
    Supporting Member C-Bag's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by mklotz View Post
    Is this the post for which you searched?...

    Nope, I was trying to find the original that I made mine from. From which I then sent pics of my build to PJs to give him the idea to build his. I am on other forums that use this "model" of website and I have a heck of a time finding what I'm looking for through the search function I don't remember what the original post from the archives I found called his a bender, or ring roller or what.

    I don't have the same problem with Google I do with these forum searches......a lot of times I just use google instead and it can most times find what I was trying to find. I'm beginning to wonder if the guy deleted it. Unlike here on HMT he had a ton of responses and feedback on his "ring roller/bender" whatever he called it.

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  6. #14
    Supporting Member C-Bag's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Toolmaker51 View Post
    In complete agreement with Mr. C-Bag. The web generates more content than possible [or needs] to be absorbed. Not being savvy to I-pads etc, my access is via laptop so saving what ever is double-easy; the trick is sufficient depth in folders/ sub-folders being correctly itemized. Subsequently, I delete history all the time; mostly because I re-title tabs to suit precedence of 'filing' anyway.
    Compared to how many paper & pen authors there were historically, is effectively zero now in relation to the ability of anyone/ anywhere/ anytime to generate web content. I'd guarantee not two of those have precisely same resources; in ability, hardware, or software. To even out that field will not likely occur; well run sites like this take care of most technical issues. Personal limitations remain. We probably don't account for a learning curve in participation. The same parameters exist in 'our' work spaces. On one hand, mere "I made this" posts could use a bit of detail; but at the same time this isn't a patent office. I cannot decide whether step x step or just an outline is superior...One satisfies those needing instant gratification, the other fuels creativity. As an individual, I'd have to say I use both of them within confines of expenditure & need in first decision of 'do it now or save for later'.
    Even here on, great projects have less than perfect adaptability. Whether they ignite anew or generate solutions; that is what elevates us all.
    In total agreement there TM51! I've gotten so many good ideas and fixes here it's just staggering. This is where I spend my breaks from my self imposed nose to the grindstone. So I'm always a bit perplexed when I see like the OP and others complaining that there is somehow some sandbagging going on. Granted there seems to be some who post extremely brief "look what I did" posts, but I believe they are in the minority. Having only been here a year I have no idea how it was before so I can't comment on that. But I was here before the "plans" got launched and I didn't notice a change.

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  8. #15
    Jon is online now Jon has agreed the Seller's Terms of Service
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    Another trick is to use a large search engine like Google to search a specific site. The syntax goes like this: bender

    If you want to restrict your search to the forum only, since all of our forum pages include "forum" in the url, you can do this: inurl:forum bender

    But then you'll get a lot of member profile pages and tags pages in the results. We know that those respectively have "members" and "tags" in the urls, so you can do this: inurl:forum -inurl:tags -inurl:members bender

    This isn't always perfect; sometimes Google won't index pages that individual forums will.
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  10. #16
    Supporting Member Toolmaker51's Avatar
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    Who remembers the Yellow Pages?
    Good luck finding anything unless knowing closely what it was called or who did it. Some categories had 'Also look under...' that might still take another few stabs. Much like the couple years spent in retail; an auto parts store. All the info crammed into a 4' rack of catalogs. Then some kid would come in with brake shoes or some such.
    Q. What car are they for? A. Well, it's blue and a big engine...
    Fully believe some personal ability to research past blind process of elimination, more as a detective, is grounded in those days. Marv is exactly right, searches of personal files or the net, hinge on operative terms. I'm going to figure a way to convert Jon's three examples of syntax into copy/paste format - infilling specific terms. Seems like a good use of bookmarks.
    Just occurred to me; not all the projects reside within proper, calling to modding the search.
    Last edited by Toolmaker51; Oct 30, 2016 at 02:56 PM.
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  11. #17
    Jon is online now Jon has agreed the Seller's Terms of Service
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    You can also create custom Google search engines (CSEs) that will search a predetermined list of your choice of websites. It's like combining multiple "site:" syntax searches in one. You can do this for hundreds of sites. So, for example, you can search 100 forums with a single query.

    Interesting, the Dewey Decimal Card Catalogs are seeing a resurgence. Trendy furniture stores are even selling new "Library-style" storage cabinets. I'd love to grab an original one at a garage sale and use it for fastener storage.
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  13. #18
    PJs is offline
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    Whelp, Seeing as I just found this thread (been busy with other stuff) I feel somewhat obligated to chime in. Lots of good stuff said here and can see some of the points of TJ and Conobi are trying to broach, but it does feel a bit like sticking a square broach in a round hole without specifics or suggested examples. It can rub one the wrong way without some perspective to the task at hand.

    1. Jon and C-Bag hit it on the head with the Pareto principles (80/20). Personally I almost always ask questions when I post a comment for 2 reasons: first is I want to know something; second to engage the builder and others in thoughts and other ideas. Those are some of the best parts of the forum along with the comradery and spirit of those 20% who Do participate, IMHO. Even if it "Hi-Jacks" a thread I still feel great value in the direction a thread takes sometimes because I usually get "Bonus" info, on topic or not, IMHO. (This one included) I also feel the "Ghost's" laughing or getting something from it as well. Additionally, if I don't ask a question I almost always, Thank the Poster when I get something from or just admire the build. I'm probably guilty of Thanking to much but feel strongly about giving recognition to something well built or well said...and it's good manors.

    2. TM51 (Congrats!) hit the nail also with his 4 points of posting, particularly the first 2. For me I'm generally a bit verbose but do have a style I try to hold here whether it's curmudgeon, technical, or my general old school ways and verbage. I enjoy the variety of styles and languages that abound in this huge diverse population. The key to me, is to have the alacrity to dance with it and learn something new every day, whether I like it or not. Jon's initial response to TJ and Conobi is and always has been to make the forum better by thanking and asking questions, then responding accordingly (like the Plans radio button Bot issue). When he first proposed the Plans for Sale I was definitely the devils advocate on that thread and was outspoken in my worry that it would drastically change the forum that I have enjoyed and gotten so much from. Interesting that posting is still up for all to see and read, and shows categorically what this forum is about and how Jon has grown it to what it is...and it hasn't affected the forum negatively, but added breadth and opportunity for all 100% and then some, IMHO.

    3. Frankly I have found most other forums are more "Clique's" by a long shot and the participants give & say even less by a longer shot. Again it comes down to posting and quality. I find that only about 25% of the click away postings here have anything worthwhile to me because of that and I'm pretty eclectic and broad in my want to learn. The ones that I do like I usually give a star rating and have posted short comments to them. The most powerful thing in this form is being able to ask a question. C-Bags memory of the bender and being able to describe it and show me his version was the absolute epitome of Value this forum has for me. I would have still been banging my head or begging on a street corner for change to get my Hollower's built for a friend...and comes full circle with the idea of sharing creativity, knowledge and ideas freely and the choice to help a friend on multiple planes. Can't get there easily without a place like this and the people who Participate in it.

    Marv & Jon, I've never used the "Advanced Search" and just tried to get to it but can't seem to find it. I'm kind of with C-Bag on using it without much success, particularly on specific builders, that I know built something but can't seem to get there with my syntax. Thanks for the tips Marv & Jon but would like to learn more, if I may.

    Thanks for the great thread and putting up with my spew! ~PJ ~¿@
    Last edited by PJs; Oct 30, 2016 at 04:06 PM.
    ‘‘Always do right. This will gratify some people and astonish the rest.’’
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  15. #19
    Supporting Member mklotz's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by PJs View Post
    Marv & Jon, I've never used the "Advanced Search" and just tried to get to it but can't seem to find it. I'm kind of with C-Bag on using it without much success, particularly on specific builders, that I know built something but can't seem to get there with my syntax. Thanks for the tips Marv & Jon but would like to learn more, if I may.
    Go to the Forum page and, near the top on the right, see the box into which to insert a search string, with a small magnifying glass icon to its immediate right. Just below, in rather light script, it says "Advanced Search"

    I have so many tools listed that I find it easiest to use the Advanced Search to locate one of my threads than search through my own bookmarks.

    As an example, my infamous 'rivet in a key thread'. I know I called it a "tactile" something. Now the word "tactile" isn't going to occur in very many posts so if I combine a search for that word with my own forum member name, mklotz, I get only two returns and the first one is the one I want.

    It's also worth spending some time reading about Google search formalism...

    11 Google Tricks That'll Change the Way You Search - Motto

    Many of the techniques used by Google are implemented in the search syntax of fora and other internet entities.
    Regards, Marv

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  17. #20
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    That's worth a bookmark; at least until I edit the web text into notes. Have used some of them before; but like horseshoes, don't use them occasionally and expect to recall at any instant.
    And Dewey cards are precisely the 'format' that inspired my use of MS excel for priority lists, via 'sort' feature.
    Because KayBee IBM Keysort cards have become too collectable these days!
    Last edited by Toolmaker51; Oct 30, 2016 at 06:22 PM.
    ...we'll learn more by wandering than searching...

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