Shooting an arrow around obstacles.
Shooting an arrow through a swinging ring - GIF
Arrows vs. breastplate - GIF
Pump action bow - GIF and videos
Rapid-fire magazine for a bow and arrow
1403 arrowhead extraction tool - photo
Shooting an arrow around obstacles.
Shooting an arrow through a swinging ring - GIF
Arrows vs. breastplate - GIF
Pump action bow - GIF and videos
Rapid-fire magazine for a bow and arrow
1403 arrowhead extraction tool - photo
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EnginePaul (Jul 12, 2022), rdarrylb (Jul 11, 2022), Tonyg (Jul 17, 2022)
mwmkravchenko (Jul 12, 2022)
Ha! You do that by nocking the arrow high. With the bow turned 90°, the arrow oscillates side to side, naturally trying to correct its course. It will oscillate like that, but with decreasing amplitude, until the arrow hits something. You could probably do the same with a crossbow, but I wouldn't want to be the one who tried, given the extra power/acceleration of those things. The shorter, stiffer bolt might also make it more difficult to do because part of the oscillation comes from the arrow flexing back and forth as it flies.
For topical application, only. Not to be taken internally or used in com-
bination with other drugs or alcohol, except as directed by your shaman.
Do not operate heavy equipment, unless you actually know how to.
Frank S (Jul 12, 2022), mwmkravchenko (Jul 12, 2022), thevillageinn (Jul 16, 2022)
Its been so long since I had my old Ben Person 95 Zebrawood bow I had completely forgotten about how an arrow makes undulations in flight, Haven't done any archery in many decades, until just recently I was given a XR250b wildgame recurve crossbow by Bernett. By no means a high-end bow but the 175lb draw and 250ft per minute launch speed is decent enough for a 30 yard kill on smaller game I've bagged a couple coyotes with it. If I were to think about getting a serious C bow I'd probably look into something like the ten-point nitro 505, but those things are like 3 grand per copy
Sorry that should read 250 feet per second
Last edited by Frank S; Jul 12, 2022 at 07:11 AM.
Never try to tell me it can't be done
When I have to paint I use KBS products
mwmkravchenko (Jul 12, 2022)
mwmkravchenko (Jul 12, 2022), WorkerB (Jul 12, 2022)
No, it's not that difficult with some practice. See my comment above if you want to try it sometime. That said, I've only done it using a recurve bow, like the one he is using, and I'm not nearly as good/accurate as he is (assuming that wasn't just one lucky shot). I don't know if you could accomplish that with a compound bow.
For topical application, only. Not to be taken internally or used in com-
bination with other drugs or alcohol, except as directed by your shaman.
Do not operate heavy equipment, unless you actually know how to.
Frank S (Jul 20, 2022)
Most of my shooting has been with a compound, and I wouldn't try anything like this with one of those. I've seen some trick shots similar to this done with traditional gear (stickbow or recurve).
Yes, on second thought though, if like you said you were to nock it high and turn it sideways, the arrow would try to correct or stabilize itself and this would be within the realm of possilibity. Even so, I highly doubt this was a first try success.
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