Rigging model ships involves maneuvering string-like "lines" around other "lines" and tying knots in almost totally inaccessible places. When I used to do this I made a set of tools to assist in the process.
All of the tools consist of large needles, suitably modified, and wired to bamboo cooking skewers. A liberal coating of two component epoxy secures the wired joint.
The needles are formed to the desired shape by heating with a small torch and bending with pliers. The forked ends are made by removing half of the needle's eye with a Dremel cutoff disk. Another very useful tool is a small sliver of razor blade epoxied to a skewer; it's used to cut lines that can't be reached easily with surgical scissors.
Although I no longer build ship models, I still find the tools occasionally useful for maneuvering wires in complex wiring harnesses.