My friend needed a way to dump his gray and black water on his RV And I have been wanting to replace the 50 year old cover on my septic tank for the past 4 years.
4 years ago when I replaced the soil line under my house to the septic tank instead of building a new cover then I just reused the original boards that covered it so after digging it up I was going to pour a concrete disk cover then place it over the tank but after buying the cement I thought hey the old boards had lasted for no telling how long and probably had never been replaced why not use a side of a hose reel as the cover but paint both sides with the KBS paint that I use so often the stuff is moisture cured and will never allow metal to rust it also seals wood like resin actually some body shops has used it as fiberglass resin
For the clean out I use a12" long piece of 8"ID 9 1/2" OD plastic pipe turned down on one end to 9" to be fitted in a hole cut through the 3" thick reel side. I turned the ID of the other end out just enough to have counter bore and cut a 4 inch long piece of the pipe sectioned out about 3 1/2" and compressed it into the counter bore then did a clean up bore so the 6" to 4" PVC pipe adapter would slip in and pressed in a thread adapter for his RV drain hose His RV has one of those emulsifying turd choppers that pumps out of the black and gray tanks under pressure so that anything that goes into the septic is already turned into a slurry And yes he really can make the stuff run up hill LOL