I've had this Rodman Sheet Metal Nibbler for years. It works well and it gets used but it is a bit uncontrollable when hand held and only a bit better when clamped to the bench.
I saw a post on here on Homemade Tools where a guy built a box to mount his and thought that would be the berries. I never pursued it though, until yesterday.
I got to thinking, I don't need a huge box for this thing, just something big enough to be able to support the sheet I am working with. I thought a little table would be perfect. I have one of those Cheapish Craftsman router tables, aluminum top with sheet metal legs... Hmm.
I dug it out and took off the router and fence and started designing.
This is the underneath where the router bolts up.
I made a plug out of 1/2" plywood as a spacer.
Continued in next post.