This why you use star wound motor.
The power for the rotor come from one side of the motor windings. I do know the first told it was hard to see how works BUT it does work. This true with Star wound motor. Any time I see motor with delta will not work. Today you can find some power plants using this same technology. They have to have power going the generator be it starts generating power.
The AVR ( automatic voltage regulator) as the name implies for voltage regulating note some will use buck and boost transform. Most are 12 or 16 volts steps.
The Hz is sync to your power and will stay the same
I have chart from my power company see the red box the left side show 120 volts and the right is for 240 volts.
FYI this voltage at the meter after inside shop it can drop ever more as most spec 5 volt drop on some location I have for over a 20 volt drop to water pumps This where a buck and boost transform works great so pump work good