Hi everyone, had to retire 6 years ago due to illness, so we sold our farm, quit both our jobs and travelled around Australia for 2.5 years with a 21'6" caravan in our rear view mirror before settling in a wonderful rural town called Tumut on the western slopes of the Snowy Mountains in NSW. We fully renovated our house, paid everything off so my wife has no financial worries when my ticka finally gives up but we still try to live life to the fullest within the confines of my cardiomyopathy. Having the farm I loved mucking around with machinery, making stuff mechanical especially, but the woodworking is something Im now learning and enjoying. I look at some of the stuff you people build and really appreciate the craftsmanship involved and the enjoyment you share with us when you make your posts. My shed is expanding, the car has been forced outside so need to make a carport for that next but my wife loves me being out there doing stuff....... reckons she knows I'm a happy soul. Yes, she is a very unique woman and the absolute love of my life, so no debts, a lovely old house, a shed full of toys and a beaut wife so life just couldnt get any better than that. Take care, Gordon