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Thread: Relative size of particles - photo

  1. #1
    Supporting Member Altair's Avatar
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  3. #2
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    Some cloth suckers could do with seeing this! lol

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  5. #3
    Supporting Member Floradawg's Avatar
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    Yeah, you know you'd be able to smell the smoke which has particles larger than the virus.
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  7. #4
    Supporting Member schuylergrace's Avatar
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    Masks aren't used to stop the virus, itself, but to stop respiratory particles, and they do that not only by acting as a physical sieve, but also an electrostatic filter that attracts the particles. But even if they weren't filtering out the problem particles (as they aren't when the mask isn't worn properly), they still slow the particles down, limiting the distance they spread. Also, smoke smell molecules are much smaller than the smoke particles that convey them over distances and can penetrate things you can't breathe through. The virus can't live outside its little spittle home, so it doesn't just drift off like smoke scent molecules do.

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  9. #5
    Supporting Member Floradawg's Avatar
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    I don't totally agree with you but hopefully we can agree to disagree.

    According to a study by The Cleveland Clinic the virus can survive on glass for 5 days, wood for 4 days, plastic and stainless steel, 3 days, cardboard, 1 day, copper surfaces, 4 hours. So apparently the virus can live outside its little spittle home. So if someone sneezes, the smallest particles of spittle might evaporate completely while suspended in the air. The virus, weighing almost nothing could float in the air for some time. Besides, how often have you been strolling through Walmart and heard people sneezing or coughing. I don't recall noticing that at all but it most likely occurs sometime. Forgetting all of this, if masks worked why would the levels of sickness be so high in NY City? Not only are those people heavily vaccinated, they even wear the masks while alone outside which is totally unnecessary.

    You may have a point about the smoke but I don't really believe that the mask is capable of filtering out the smoke particles and I don't think you really believe it either.

    Perhaps you've been paying too much attention to Dr. Fauci. Not only is he an idiot but he is a liar. If everything he suggests or rather demands that we do was effective, why would we still be in this situation? Do your own research and don't pay too much attention to limited news sources.
    Stupid is forever, ignorance can be fixed.

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  11. #6
    Supporting Member schuylergrace's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Floradawg View Post
    I don't totally agree with you but hopefully we can agree to disagree.
    Of course, we can agree to disagree, but I haven't been listening to Dr. Fauci. I've been listening to my brother, who's a PhD virologist and has worked in the CDC's hot lab (an amazing, but scary, place to see). Masks aren't foolproof, but they do work to slow the spread of the infectious particles we are worried about now, as has been proven in regions where mask usage is high. Your likelihood of catching COVID, or any communicable disease, is directly proportional to the amount of the infectious agent you bring into your body. So, those stray virii that are sitting around on a grocery cart handle or may linger in the air after the fluid droplets they hitch a ride on have evaporated aren't very likely to make you sick (they still can, though). They are like toxins: the more you are exposed to, the more likely you are to have an adverse reaction. Water is toxic if you drink enough. But think about it; why would doctors wear masks when they are in the OR? They'd be much more comfortable without them, but they help prevent the doctor and other staff from infecting the patient. And we are in this situation because people here didn't take the virus as seriously as they should have and didn't follow the precautions the CDC, the NIH, and others asked us to. The U.S. has had the worst COVID outcomes of any first-world nation, precisely because we had much of our population not following even basic guidelines against spreading the infection, including mask wearing and vaccination.

  12. The Following 5 Users Say Thank You to schuylergrace For This Useful Post:

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  13. #7
    Supporting Member Floradawg's Avatar
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    What are virii? Not in my dictionary. I do have respect for a PhD virologist but I can't figure out why he wouldn't know that viruses can survive outside their little pool of spittle. Doctors in the OR wear masks so their spittle doesn't fall into the patients' incisions. It wouldn't make sense for it to be to keep the bacteria/viruses from infecting the patient. Primarily because the bacteria and viruses wouldn't be stopped by the mask. Also because if the doctor were showing signs of a cold or other upper respiratory infections he would be at home. I stand by the assertion that if masks did any good we would be past this pandemic. Oh and also, the vast majority of the public DID take this situation seriously. Most of them did follow the recommendations from the CDC, NIH and others. Much of our population not following even basic guidelines? Listen to yourself. Are you serious?

    Oh yeah, and over in Europe where they are presumably taking all this seriously and following all the recommendations, well they're doing great aren't they?
    Last edited by Floradawg; Dec 11, 2021 at 06:26 PM.
    Stupid is forever, ignorance can be fixed.

  14. #8
    Supporting Member schuylergrace's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Floradawg View Post
    I do have respect for a PhD virologist but I can't figure out why he wouldn't know that viruses can survive outside their little pool of spittle.
    My brother does know that, as do I, and I tried to explain that even though there are viruses (my mistake for using the non-term "virii"--I'm an electrical engineer by trade, not a doctor or biologist) out there, you are rarely exposed to enough of them to make you sick, unless you come into contact with someone who has an active case of COVID, whether they know it or not. Again, it's a case not just of exposure, but also the amount of exposure that determines whether you are likely to become ill. Masks do cut exposure significantly, both by providing a physical barrier to slow the particles down, and by attracting those particles so they stay contained within the mask (either because they soak up the droplets or charged polypropylene electret fibers trap the particles using electrostatic or electrophoretic effects). Like anything else, masks are not perfect, but they do help. And as far as taking the pandemic seriously, there were protests against nearly every recommendation that came out of the CDC, and people still flocked to mass gatherings, like spring break and Sturgis. And worst of all, many of our "leaders" were calling the pandemic a "hoax" and advising their constituents not to follow control protocols and are still doing the same to this day. That said, I'm certain I haven't changed your mind about any of this, so I'll leave it at that and "agree to disagree."

    In case anyone is interested, here's a microscopic journey into various mask materials I saw a while back and found very interesting:

  15. The Following 3 Users Say Thank You to schuylergrace For This Useful Post:

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  16. #9
    Supporting Member Floradawg's Avatar
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    I don't remember anyone calling the pandemic a hoax. I could've missed that but "many"? I don't know about that. The link you provided was somewhat interesting but the images didn't come up. I will visit the site and try to view them.

    I was I guess a bit smarmy at times and I apologize for that. We will however continue to disagree but that's life. Don't get me started on religion.

    Okay, I tried again and the images did appear. This really is pretty interesting. The structure of the different materials is pretty cool looking. I always had the idea that masks had some effect even though that didn't come across. Kind of like if someone is throwing rocks at you and you have some chicken wire in front of you. Some rocks are still going to hit you. One analogy I read was "like trying to stop a mosquito with a chain link fence". I kind of agree with that idea.
    Last edited by Floradawg; Dec 11, 2021 at 09:24 PM.
    Stupid is forever, ignorance can be fixed.

  17. #10

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    While we are discussing the tools used for this Covid-19 fight, look at how the vaccines were developed:

    I have two tenants (mother and daughter) who know that the vaccine is part of a government ploy to control their mind and that masks make you more susceptible to the virus. They must be smarter than me because when they moved in they said the apartment was haunted but removed the ghosts by themselves when I had no idea of what to do. Both were hospitalized by Covid and remain un-vaccinated. I wear masks and have both shots plus the booster.

  18. The Following 3 Users Say Thank You to EnginePaul For This Useful Post:

    Floradawg (Dec 13, 2021), schuylergrace (Dec 12, 2021), that_other_guy (Dec 13, 2021)

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