Hi All
The last time the workshop floor was painted was back in 2004 when it was built. So it was showing signs of wear. (Lots of wear) I didn’t realise just how bad it had got. I try and keep the workshop clean and tidy but as we all know the nature of our hobby does not make this easy. When sweeping the floor large concrete dust clouds would cover the workshop. So I decided to repaint the effected area’s. Unfortunately this then transpired in to a total floor re-paint. By the end of day two I was thinking why did I start this. So much stuff to move or raise so the floor could be painted. By day four it was all over and I now know why I started it. It has transformed the workshop into a bright easier to clean space and I even wipe my feet before entering. Anybody thinking about painting their workshop floor I can highly recommend it but it is very time consuming but the results are worth it in my opinion.
The home engineer