I was recently lucky enough to buy this beautiful 1950's pillar drill at an auction. I posted about it a week or so ago asking for help and information. If there is one area in which I have zero confidence, is taking machines apart, cleaning and servicing them. Therefore I was going to give it a bit of a wipe down and use it, after all it worked fine.
Then, a very good friend I have made through Youtube who is an incredibly talented craftsman and machinist, Dimitris Polychronis who has a Youtube channel called JimmysCanal (a member of this forum) challenged me to take on the work. He was a huge support, spending much time helping me by email and on zoom. Although what I am doing here is probably 101 to many of you, it was very daunting for me and, I suspect many others out there.
I could never have hoped to do this without his help and encouragement. This video is not just as a way of thanking him, but also to show how forums like these and Youtube are such great resources to help us push us. If we don't push ourselves outside our comfort zones, we might get better at what we can do, but we won't learn or develop the skills we don't have.