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Thread: A Public Service Announcement

  1. #1
    Supporting Member rgsparber's Avatar
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    A Public Service Announcement

    OK, we are mostly guys here and this is a guy thing. Once a month we should be performing "self exams" of our scrotum. I did this when my wife reminded me but she gave up about a year ago.

    Well, 3 weeks ago I felt something heavy on my left testicle. It was a hard tumor about 1/2" long and 3/8" in diameter. How long had it been there? How fast was it growing? Ultrasound was inconclusive. Had surgery a few days later to remove it. After a very tense 7 day wait, I found out it was benign. Had I been able to answer these questions, surgery could have been avoided.

    I still have 6 weeks of recovery with a 15 pound weight restriction. The doctor said I am very lucky not to be in intense pain due to the swelling.

    Is this off topic? We are dedicated to home made tools, right?


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  3. #2
    Supporting Member knoba's Avatar
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    Thanks for sharing this! Hope you're feeling better soon. I'd heard of it, but never what to look for & how to check. It can be a killer.

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  4. #3
    Supporting Member Toolmaker51's Avatar
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    No one has ever satisfactorily explained why certain cancers aren't subject to the kind of attention women's cancers are, especially in light that testicular variety may be far more common. Testicular cancer main danger isn't to the reproductive system. The cells are nearly predestined to advance in the blood stream of the spinal area, leading directly to the brain...........then boys it's all over for you.
    Testicular is most prevalent in men aged 18-35. I had mine at 45, in 1998. Intense pain of mine is not common...the right side had a very newly developed growth. In the emergency room, I indicated pain in vicinity of appendix, yet CAT scans, ultrasound, X-ray found zero. Laid on back, elevated in hospital bed all day. At a second or third X-ray, the tech had me roll on my side. I guess right leg compressed right testicle, I let out an 'ouch'. Tech asked what's wrong, "right one hurts". All of a sudden he and staff changed procedures, realizing we'd all been examining a few inches away from correct area.
    Emergency room doctor set exam with specialist first thing Monday. He was a ex-Navy Urologist. He'd done hundreds of radical inguinal orchiectomy for sailors. That sounded good to me, not some administrative health insurance clown. He told me every single thing that would occur, in order, accurately, and each came to pass. Thought he'd croak when I pretended dismay, telling him I'd just ordered a custom suit, 'dressed left', dammit.

    Generally deemed fastest spreading of cancers; detection and positive blood work usually sets surgery within a couple DAYS. Mine was found on Friday, examined Monday, on the table 0630 next day. Then 6 months of blood tests to verify no more cancerous cells, later 1 year intervals. My blood levels didn't decrease fast enough to suit Urologist; so next surgery sampled lymph nodes. They were negative, and the entire thing never recurred. Only one thing puzzled him, why pain radiated from other then my groin.
    ...we'll learn more by wandering than searching...

  5. #4
    Supporting Member rgsparber's Avatar
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    My guess is that prostate and testicular cancers are so feared by us men that we would literally rather die than deal with them. Who decides what priority to put on a given disease? Certainly not woman.

    I had prostate cancer. Been in remission for 9 years so almost officially "cured". It was a rough time for me but sounds like a walk in the park compared to what you endured.

    Based on your timeline, I now see why I went from initial visit with a PA to surgery so fast.

    So, other than speaking up as often as possible, how do we convince our brothers to get their "digital exam", PSA tested yearly, and to do those self exams?


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  7. #5
    Supporting Member Toolmaker51's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by rgsparber View Post

    My guess is that prostate and testicular cancers are so feared by us men that we would literally rather die than deal with them....So, other than speaking up as often as possible, how do we convince our brothers to get their "digital exam", PSA tested yearly, and to do those self exams?

    Funny you should ask/ make that statement. I'd never heard of it before. Turns out maybe a fifth of people I know; know a male who's had it. That's a pretty significant population.
    In my estimation, no excuse or logical justification been made. I haven't a family doctor in 50 something years, but no hermit or without an e-x-tend-e-d family. As the general medical profession hasn't other than a spotty public awareness program is one facet.
    But with all the insurance companies, big pharma, government agencies, TV and radio, print/ internet media too busy promoting stupid s**t; the blame is entirely on them. Maybe there isn't any profit in it.

    That is 'mostly guys' is a good concentrated start. But there are females here too...I'd say each member should relay at least the self-exam portion to 10 others.
    Last edited by Toolmaker51; Jun 29, 2018 at 07:02 PM.
    ...we'll learn more by wandering than searching...

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    Not sure how to chime in here but some good things said here. Quite familiar with Prostate myself, 4 years of hell and hard rows to hoe. Prostate has been a thing in the family, Dad, me, my brother. Dads was cancerous and removed when he was about 50...had a similar doc experience as TM51 via the VA. Bro's is under control and Regular PSA tests. Me, Better mostly, but still have bouts of it once in a while. Not a big western medicine guy anymore but the best thing they did was give me big continual dosage (1 month at a time) of Cipro which gave the best results for where I was at, at the time...not good. Did a ton of research and still take to this day (2 morning, 2 evening) a Peruvian herb called Macca Root (the Real stuff Macca Magic). There are a lot of cheaper knock off that I did try but always came back to the original. There was a big clinical trial ~10 years ago, more of a witch hunt by big pharma I think, on the benefits for Prostrate by a major university, and now can't find any thing of the white paper for it. Either way I swear by it and will use it as long as I can because I believe it has other good qualities and relieves symptom when they occur. I add 2 more in the mid day and a day or two later its done.

    Also knew a young man back when I was teaching that had testicular cancer at about 20, amazing story and never forgot it. Health male or female, to me starts with the mind/mindset, food, using your body wisely with a bit luck or something similar. I had my death and dying experience back in mid 80's (Prostrate was a close 2nd) and the western docs telling me I had maybe 5 years to live. Put up with all their pills, prods, pokes and experimental treatments (which tore me up) for a year and a half, until I finally walked away and joined a death and dying group of seven others. Learned a lot and only 2 of us left but lost touch with the other a decade ago...still here kickin', squakin', walkin', talkin', smokin' and drinkin'-Coffee and a few drinks once in a while, well Clear that when I'm Ready or Called, The ship will lift, All debts are paid, No Regrets.

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    Quote Originally Posted by rgsparber View Post

    Is this off topic? We are dedicated to find real money slots here, right?

    Great read!

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    Last edited by Timothan; Aug 22, 2018 at 12:11 PM.

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