yeah, when the sun's out the voltage gets up a tad, everything speeds up. looking at other builds on this site some are slower, some are similarly fast.
I've gotta replace the diaphragm in the pump for the cutting lube, that might help?
At another clearing sale, this was buried in the earth floor of an old shed. I nearly tripped on it. I kicked it out of the earth with my boot. The vendor said he'd never seen it before and gave it to me. It was heavy, badly seized and I thought worth checking out. After a few days soaking in diesel oil I de-assembled it wire brushed and WD40 'd it. I'm going to adapt the top mount for my pedestal drill vice. It'll make lining up drill jobs easier. It's obviously home made by some long forgotten engineer who needed a turret for perhaps a milling machine. ( I wonder if the milling machine was home made and where it might be now?). This turret is quite well made and weighs 10kg. approx.
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