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Thread: posts moved from Samurai sasumata thread

  1. #1

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    posts moved from Samurai sasumata thread

    [QUOTE=hemmjo;227565]That is correct, but you DO have to be STUPID to be shot here in America!!!!! Unfortunately MANY of this shootings you hear about here are "police assisted suicides"...

    NO! You DO have to be INNOCENT to be shot in America!!!!! Most criminals hide behind an image, a badge, or a position like a cop. In one month (March 2015), the US police killed more civilians than the UK police have killed in the last 100 years! Following every police crime, the authorities will play the song "Just a few bad apples in the barrel". American citizens are guilty until proven innocent (which is most often impossible). American police are trained by ADL and Israeli anti-terror forces to view ALL Americans that don't comply 100% with even unreasonable orders as domestic terrorists. In the US, cops are almost never punished for killing innocent people. Typically they are granted time off with pay. They are usually found not guilty even when they are caught on video beating Americans to death.When victims are compensated with money for crimes committed by cops, it's stolen from the American taxpayers, not the cops individually.

    The US killer cops don't care whether you are old, young, a child, or even handicapped.
    - The serial killer cop "Manuel Pardo", killed 9 and even investigated his crime scenes!
    - Tamir Rice, a 12-year-old child, playing with a toy gun by himself in an empty park, was SHOT and KILLED by police 2 seconds after arriving!
    - A 60-year-old black woman Killed by police after being pulled over for a broken headlight!
    - Two cops who framed a mentally challenged 15-year-old for rape and murder were ordered to personally pay $7 million.Anthony Caravella had to wait 26 years for justice. the 46-year-old was wrongfully imprisoned after being framed by two Miramar police officers for the rape and murder of 53-year-old Ada Cox Jankowski. When Caravella was arrested back in 1983, officer Mantesta and officer George Pierson spent hours alone with him, telling the 15-year-old information about the Jankowski crime scene, and then tricking him into repeating the information back in a way that they said amounted to a confession.

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  3. #2
    Supporting Member hemmjo's Avatar
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    I will not argue that there are no bad police officers. They do need to be weeded out. There are also bad; teachers, doctors, lawyers, nurses, mechanics, POLITICIANS , etc. Some PEOPLE are just BAD. I personally got an fellow teacher fired for inappropriate behavior. I know of 4 others over my 35 year career that were fired for bad conduct.

    I do believe that the problem is made worse by comments made that paint all in one profession as bad. That rhetoric emboldens criminals. Teaches disrespect for the entire profession. Leads to escalation of difficult situations. That then leads to deadly confrontations.

    Living in Ohio, I am very familiar with the Tamir Rice situation. It is tragic. Tamir was in a play ground, with a gun. Someone called police. They arrived. Tamir pointed the gun at them. They shot him. 12 Seconds. That is tragic. But I contend it is stupid to point a gun at a police officer. I was taught as a child, never point a gun at anything you do not intend to kill. Even when we played cowboys when with our cap guns, we did not shot at each other. We shot the imagination outlaws. I promise you those officers did NOT wake up thinking, "we are going to shoot a kid in a playground" today.

    It does not matter that it might have a BRIGHT ORANGE tip indicating it is a toy. How STUPID is a law that makes you paint toy guns with a orange tip? When I make the transition to bad guy, I am going to paint my gun with a orange tip.

    We need to tone down the rhetoric and get to the real solutions. According to statistics, in 2020 there were 697,195 officers. In 2021 that number is down to 660,228. You site 4 example, totaling 5 officers. That represents 0.00075731414 % of officers in 2021. YES, I realize you can find more examples of bad cops, but you need 6600 more to represent just 1 percent. In 2021 there were only 1048 total police shootings. So in 2021 a total of 0.1587330437364% of officers were involved in any shooting. MOST of those were fully justified.

    The FBI has released its report on the number of law enforcement officers killed in the line of duty in 2022, noting a decrease of nearly 18% in felonious deaths when compared to 2021. A total of 118 law enforcement officers were killed in line-of-duty incidents. Of these, 60 officers died as a result of felonious acts, and 58 officers died in accidents. Sixty felonious deaths occurred in 28 states and the District of Columbia. Fifty-eight officers were killed accidentally while performing their duties in 2022, an increase of two when compared with the 56 officers accidentally killed in 2021.

    total shootings
    total officers
    officer deaths

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    Last edited by hemmjo; Aug 22, 2023 at 07:42 AM. Reason: for got to put politicians in the list

  4. #3
    Supporting Member Moby Duck's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by hemmjo View Post
    That is correct, but you DO have to be STUPID to be shot here in America!!!!! Unfortunately MANY of this shootings you hear about here are "police assisted suicides"...

    NO! You DO have to be INNOCENT to be shot in America!!!!! Most criminals hide behind an image, a badge, or a position like a cop. In one month (March 2015), the US police killed more civilians than the UK police have killed in the last 100 years! Following every police crime, the authorities will play the song "Just a few bad apples in the barrel". American citizens are guilty until proven innocent (which is most often impossible). American police are trained by ADL and Israeli anti-terror forces to view ALL Americans that don't comply 100% with even unreasonable orders as domestic terrorists. In the US, cops are almost never punished for killing innocent people. Typically they are granted time off with pay. They are usually found not guilty even when they are caught on video beating Americans to death.When victims are compensated with money for crimes committed by cops, it's stolen from the American taxpayers, not the cops individually.

    The US killer cops don't care whether you are old, young, a child, or even handicapped.
    - The serial killer cop "Manuel Pardo", killed 9 and even investigated his crime scenes!
    - Tamir Rice, a 12-year-old child, playing with a toy gun by himself in an empty park, was SHOT and KILLED by police 2 seconds after arriving!
    - A 60-year-old black woman Killed by police after being pulled over for a broken headlight!
    - Two cops who framed a mentally challenged 15-year-old for rape and murder were ordered to personally pay $7 million.Anthony Caravella had to wait 26 years for justice. the 46-year-old was wrongfully imprisoned after being framed by two Miramar police officers for the rape and murder of 53-year-old Ada Cox Jankowski. When Caravella was arrested back in 1983, officer Mantesta and officer George Pierson spent hours alone with him, telling the 15-year-old information about the Jankowski crime scene, and then tricking him into repeating the information back in a way that they said amounted to a confession.
    Perhaps that’s the price you pay to live in a civilised society. A sprinkling of those arrested will be innocent, the courts should sort that out. An occasional innocent person will be sentenced to imprisonment or death. An occasional “innocent” person will be shot and killed. Have you got a better alternative to the present justice system? Perhaps you would prefer to live in Haiti or have no Police at all, then you would really have something to complain about. The Police are not the bad guys, they are trying to keep you safe.

  5. #4
    Supporting Member hemmjo's Avatar
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    Lets be clear that I only posted the first TWO lines of that message you quoted.

    The rest of that message was written by someone else and improperly quoted, inadvertently I hope, which makes it look I wrote it!!!!

    I have been to Haiti, no desire to go back.

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  7. #5
    Supporting Member Moby Duck's Avatar
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    That’s better, it’s clear now.

  8. #6

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    Comparing the United States with Haiti is an indication of how deeply rotten the US Legal System has become! Since 1980, California built 22 prisons and 1 university. Philadelphia closes 23 schools and lays off thousands to build a huge prison. Prisons are more profitable than schools! Humanism teaches that man is his own god and; therefore has no higher moral authority to guide him. Judges don't know God, they are corrupt and abusive and Satan affects their rulings. A South Carolina man was fined $525 and fired from his job when he failed to pay for a $0.89 soda refill, while corrupt Wall Street banks bailed out with $700 billion! A drunken driver can murder your child and go free after only a few months in prison. US Court System is based on greed not justice, run by lawyers rewarded by putting people in prison, the more people they send to prison the more they profit. That's why the US has 50% of the World's Lawyers and 25% of the World's prisoners! Prisons are paid by how many people they house. Prisons are run by big corporations, they bill the taxpayer for each person put in prison -not based on innocence or guilt- Lawyers profit more when sending their clients to prison. The corrupt government, judges, lawyers, and police would hide the truth, destroy evidence, investigate themselves, destroy the character of the victim, and manipulate the Law. Don't expect the Department of Just-Us to suddenly grow consciousness and do the right things that would collapse their own Fraudulent System.

  9. #7
    Supporting Member hemmjo's Avatar
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    I do have to agree with some of what Mansword has written. We are at a very tenuous place right now in the US. The solution however is not going to come from ranking about the problems. I will come from thoughtful discussions of the problems, seeking real solutions, weeding out the corruption, and not following "pied piper" politicians.

    It is still improper to paint all with the same brush. That line of rhetoric only causes those who may be interested in some of the facts presented to dismiss the whole argument as lunacy.

    If I walk up to someone and spit in their face, then try to have a civil conversation with them to try to persuade them to my point of view, that is just NOT going to happen. It is all about tone and civility.

    Too many, on BOTH sides, have lost their civility, don't be one of them.

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  11. #8
    Supporting Member mklotz's Avatar
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    Mansworld's post is a witch's brew of religion and politics, both subjects that most fora studiously avoid, even prohibit in their bylaws. I'm all for free speech but I believe this practice of disallowing such volatile subjects is sensible, particularly given the fact that there are plenty of other outlets designed for such ranting.

    Based on that, I want to encourage Jon to lock this thread.
    Regards, Marv

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  12. The Following 3 Users Say Thank You to mklotz For This Useful Post:

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  13. #9
    Supporting Member Hoosiersmoker's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by mklotz View Post
    Mansworld's post is a witch's brew of religion and politics, both subjects that most fora studiously avoid, even prohibit in their bylaws. I'm all for free speech but I believe this practice of disallowing such volatile subjects is sensible, particularly given the fact that there are plenty of other outlets designed for such ranting.

    Based on that, I want to encourage Jon to lock this thread.
    I Agree!!!
    "This country was founded by a bunch of slave owners that told us all men are created equal..." - George Carlin

  14. #10

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    Quote Originally Posted by mklotz View Post
    Mansworld's post is a witch's brew of religion and politics, both subjects that most fora studiously avoid, even prohibit in their bylaws. I'm all for free speech but I believe this practice of disallowing such volatile subjects is sensible, particularly given the fact that there are plenty of other outlets designed for such ranting.

    Based on that, I want to encourage Jon to lock this thread.

    The Eternal War between Good and Evil has got nothing to do with mklotz's witch's brew.

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