Poppy seed grinders.
Stone mill grinding corn - GIF
How flour is made - GIF
Traditional Chinese grinding stone - GIF
Large motorized stone mill - GIF
Poppy seed grinders.
Stone mill grinding corn - GIF
How flour is made - GIF
Traditional Chinese grinding stone - GIF
Large motorized stone mill - GIF
New plans added on 01/06/2025: Click here for 2,686 plans for homemade tools.
durrelltn (Apr 5, 2022)
This poppy seed filling can be used for cookies like hamantaschen, kolaches, strudel, coffee cakes and more. The natural bitterness of the poppy seeds mellows when ground and cooked with butter, milk, sugar, and honey. Tempered egg and cooking over gentle heat slowly thickens the filling.
Altair (Apr 15, 2022)
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