It seemed too good an opportunity to scrap this machine, which was a floor polisher. It came in, having failed its safety test. I saw that the probable reason for its failure was a crack in the plug. The tester is under no obligation to repair the machine! I contacted my pal, Stuart, who’s a qualified tester, because I thought the donor might like it back, but apparently it was seldom used.
This is an unfinished project, so there’s no guarding yet. I thought of cutting a builder’s bucket to act as a drum, with something across the disc to set objects tumbling.
While I was thinking what to do with it, I remember we have a lot of coffee tables at the warehouse, which we haven’t been able to sell, and Tom said they were taking up space. He was delighted when I asked him for one. “Take as many as you like!”
Remarkably, the machine fits exactly. I spent an hour removing the handle, etc and another hour securing it in the box, so it can either be a tumbler, or a disc sander.
But I do not know where to put it.