This might stir up some brain cells or fry some as well.
pi being one of the few irrational numbers of the world
I thought we might like to see what it could taste like
Notice I said see. We will have to use our imaginations for the actual taste
Probably the first time I ever heard of pi the number that is, was in my 5th grade geometry class Ok it may have been the 6 grade or even the 7th who remembers exactly what happened 50 or 60 years ago anyway.
I do recall though that after being exposed to finding an area of a circle using a strange looking number up on the chalk board we were tasked with finding the area of an oval using our compass a protractor a ruler, pencil & paper. Which if I am not misremembering started out with having to determine all of the various true radius's the arc angles they occupied in the oval and so forth. What I don't remember is if I got the answer correct using the guidelines of the teacher or if I cheated and measured the perimeter divided by pi then divided that by 2 then squared the number and multiplied by pi once again