This set of racks I designed to store long and or heavy items like laminated beam and pipes.
The simple design is like that of an old fashioned window awning but much stronger. Originally I planned to use gal flat as the top sectioned support.
If a roof of corrogated sheet metal(Custom Orb) or mini orb were attached it would increase strength, avoid possible twist, and give weather protection. As my intention was for storage of heavy Aust'n hardwoods & pipes, I did not require a roof but increased strength using inch by inch gal RHS for the "roof members" instead of the flat gal. The remainder is mostly gal 2" by 1" RHS with small amounts of flat as end caps/slip protectors.
No end caps were fixed to vertical uprights due to rain etc. I haven't used the window covers with shorter vertical uprights as seen in one pic.