Noodle making funnel.
Noodle dough rolling machine - GIF
Japanese noodle cutter - GIF
How lasagna is made - video
Noodle making funnel.
Noodle dough rolling machine - GIF
Japanese noodle cutter - GIF
How lasagna is made - video
New plans added on 01/08/2025: Click here for 2,690 plans for homemade tools.
johncg (Aug 17, 2021), NortonDommi (Aug 15, 2021), Ralphxyz (Aug 21, 2021), Scotsman Hosie (Aug 27, 2021), Sleykin (Aug 21, 2021)
This is what I've learned is known as "appropriate technology. You see, three ]engineers and two machinist could be employed for four to six months to develop and manufacture a machine system that could output 200 to 1000 as many noodles per unit time as one worker. Why? Profit concentration. But is that truly what society needs or wants. Not everyone has the skills to be engineers or machinist. But everyone needs food. And using the American fast food industry as a model, there are plenty of people that will work in food prep.
Now, the American "Quick Service Restaurant" (QSR as its called) industry is the best example of the worst industry for worker satisfaction. And this is because of how it concentrates labor for profit. Not labor for service, both worker and customer service. Humanity does NOT need McWhorter deep fried meals to be satisfied. Everything in these business models is designed to take the consumers money and "present them with the appearance, look and feel, of "satisfaction" as a reasonable substitute for value. Whose value?
Does your want of a immediate gutfull of "i want it now, I don't care how" actually define value. The five year that wants candy from the knee high rows of confections in the checkout aisle wants the same thing as his drive through conditioned Karen mom. "I want my belly full without thinking or expending any energy. And through HEAVILY financed industrial investment that can be made to happen. But where is the real value?
Shite food shite jobs, but hella concentration of money flowing back up the corporate chain to an ever shrinking number of wealthy investors.
Your health, your money, your value. Your values. Choose wisely.
werdegast (Aug 17, 2021)
The noodle making funnel is an example of appropriate technology. It takes a recipe that is arguable centuries old and produces a meal from the hand if one person to feed a small to medium sized community, using parts and materials that can be engineered and maintained locally by appropriately educated neighbors. This is NOT communism or socialism. It is appropriate capitalism. Money is exchanged for goods and services, at an appropriately engineered local technology. Produce is seasonal and regional, therefore requiring the bulk of transit. Processed food for people that require the value of having someone else make a meal for them is born out of foodstuffs that can be transported effectively, inexpensively. Supersizing our highly refined, highly processed, highly labor intensive McFatpills is only a true value for the investors. Locally raised, butchered, prepared burgers can cost the same as the mega Corp QSR sliders. They would employ more people. And they would be less nutritionally deficient.
Appropriate technology is only inappropriate to people who has surrendered their own ability to truly value their own, and others, self worth.
werdegast (Aug 17, 2021)
gargoyle (Aug 22, 2021)
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