Just stumbled onto this website. Great idea, looking forward to seeing what you folks have come up with. I was searching for a homemade powdercoat oven and here I am. Just getting into restoring garden tractors, bicycles and whatever appeals to me.
Welcome to HomemadeTools.net 69stroker
Sounds like your tractor restoration skills will come in handy here!
New plans added on 01/08/2025: Click here for 2,690 plans for homemade tools.
Hi 69stroker,
Welcome - glad to have you here!
What are you planning to powder coat?
When you're ready to share some of your own homemade tools, we'd love to see them. Please post them directly in the Homemade Tools subforum. We'll add each one to the database, as well as to your builder page on the site.
Non-tool items should be shared in the Not a Tool, but Homemade subforum.
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