I've been wanting a 2X72 belt grinder for a while now, and after getting a free working treadmill that I had no need for about a year ago, ( I've made it a personal motto of mine to only run when being chased by zombies) I decided to build one. I really liked the idea of Jeremy Schmidt's grinder with the tiltable belt, but wasn't sure I really needed that. Plus I didn't have a lot of 3/8" steel left over and didn't want to buy more. I liked the simple design of DCKnives grinder and had all the steel so I decided to go with that one.
I bought a set of wheels on eBay right away so I would be committed, then got some belts and after taking way too long, I started to build. Sorry for the "No Progress Pics" thing as once I got started, I kind of got into a groove and forgot to take pics.
Normally, when I build a tool, I paint them all the same color. Machinery gray. And this one was going to be the same. I might throw in some black too just to be crazy. I really liked the simple look of this one and planned on it looking pretty much just like this when complete.