Jamman, if I may. I don't know squat about guns but I've been here a little while now and I saw your last post and it's headed more in the right direction. You need to take the long view here. There are some AMAZING people here but the vast amount of traffic is just lurkers who never de cloak.
So rule 1 is patience. There is a core of folks who post regular and you can see directly their "stats" by looking at the field under their names. This isn't just silly bling. Even guys with no bling but who give good sage advice deserve to be paid attention to. You blowing off somebody like rossbotics is NOT a good move. This guy has got the chops and when he offered you help to take a look at what it is you are messing with its not a good idea to go on a rant about $$ and "doing it the way it used to be done". And especially going on a rant about WallyWorld. Doug just made that piece FROM SCRATCH. And to aerospace specs. Blowing him off just puts your stats in the negative with the crowd of gods that frequent here to worship what it means to really make something.
Like I said I don't know squat about guns but you made my spidy sense spike when I saw your first piece that looks to be two pieces of pipe coupling welded together. It looks like your receiver? Is this even safe? And it doesn't look anything like the plans. The plans look like a solid block for the receiver. What have you got for machining? Lathe, mill? This isn't cheating, crude is not better when you are also taking safety into account. And you're not building a popgun, you are making something that can kill you or somebody else. And the old guns regularly killed their owners. Modern ammo is nothing to take lightly.
It's taken me years to save up and then patiently wait for deals on my lathe and mill. Then even more to learn how to use them and maintain them. More of that long view. This is also something people don't have anymore. Wag more, bark less.
get to know the folk here and sop up some of the deep knowledge that abounds here and let them know what you have in the shop and can do. These folks are supportive and helpful to those they can help. You don't want to end up ignored.