I made this arbor for holding a #3 - 1.5 Module gear cutter. Seams as someone on 2nd shift at work wanted to play with the lathe and jammed the carriage of the lathe all the way against the headstock and stripped the power feed gear.
It's a chineez lathe so getting replacement parts was just totally out of the question.
So my boss asked if I could make one at my shop. I told him it wasn't a problem. I told him what cutter to order and the bronze I needed and I would make an arbor for the cutter. I also had him order me a 17 tooth #20 chain sprocket for indexing purposes.
The indexing fixture I used is one I made along time ago, way before I new about homemade tools. It's constructed from a piece of 1.500 X 2.500 X 3.500 aluminum stock with an indexing pin mounted to the side of the block, It accepts a piece of 3/4" round stock as the arbor ,The 3/4" arbor is machined on both ends one end to accept a gear blank and the other to accept a gear or sprocket for indexing, It's a very simple devise but works beautifull.
Below are some photos
As always thanks for looking
And happy Machining
Click here to purchase a set of these plans http://www.homemadetools.net/forum/m...or-plans-46305
End View
How I indexed the teeth
Fixture tilted at a 4 degree angle to match the lead of worm gear
Finished Product
Click here to purchase a set of these plans http://www.homemadetools.net/forum/m...or-plans-46305