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Thread: Modify spindle of Lisle 91000 drill sharpener to hold larger grinding wheel

  1. #1
    Supporting Member metric_taper's Avatar
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    Modify spindle of Lisle 91000 drill sharpener to hold larger grinding wheel

    I've owned this Lisle 91000 drill grinder for over 20 years. It is limited to sharpening drills to 1.125 size. The limitation is the 3/4inch grinding stone that it comes with. The arbor is the limitation. I founded some dished wheels on ebay and then figured out how to modify the existing arbor to accommodate this. The max diameter is 5 inches for the wheel, 1" 16 TPI is the arbor size (left hand threads).
    So I started with a spacer so the wheel would not rub on the machine casting.
    Modify spindle of Lisle 91000 drill sharpener to hold larger grinding wheel-img_20200210_211916.jpg

    The wheel is for a 1-1/4inch arbor diameter, so I made the nut holding the wheel to also keep it concentric to this;
    Modify spindle of Lisle 91000 drill sharpener to hold larger grinding wheel-img_20200210_212029.jpg
    The OD of this nut is 1.250 to fit the ID hole of the stone.
    Modify spindle of Lisle 91000 drill sharpener to hold larger grinding wheel-img_20200210_212018.jpg
    It was fun figuring out the left hand thread, and what the bore ID had to be for this.
    Modify spindle of Lisle 91000 drill sharpener to hold larger grinding wheel-img_20200210_211611.jpg
    Modify spindle of Lisle 91000 drill sharpener to hold larger grinding wheel-img_20200210_211636.jpg
    Modify spindle of Lisle 91000 drill sharpener to hold larger grinding wheel-img_20200210_211656.jpg
    I was able to sharpen a 1-1/2 bit. The only issue with this sharpener is that the bit holder is adjusted for each different diameter of the bit. And 1-1/8 was its intended maximum size.

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  2. The Following 3 Users Say Thank You to metric_taper For This Useful Post:

    jackhoying (Feb 11, 2020), Jon (Feb 13, 2020), Paul Jones (Feb 27, 2020)

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    Thanks metric_taper! We've added your Grinding Wheel Arbor Modification to our Grinding category,
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