Mini lathe collet draw bar & hand crank:
Draw bar:
I recently made a draw bar for my mini lathe made of 1.25 inch 1018 steel and 3/8 threaded rod. I made the end long enough so it protrudes out through the side cover. I milled 2 slots into it for a 7/8 inch wrench. It's cone shaped end centers itself every time. This gets used a lot!
Hand crank:
I also made a hand crank for doing short threading operations. Not something you need every day but nice to have! It's easier and safer just cranking the lathe for short threading rather than trying to stop on a dime at the end. It's also nice when using a tap or die in the lathe.
The crank body is made of aluminum square and flat material. Handle is made of aluminum with a bolt that has had it's head turned round inside of it. (known as a cheese head bolt)
The deep hole in the body fits over the end of the draw bar above and is secured with a cap screw. (to be changed to a set screw later, I just didn't have the correct one on hand) This set up works whenever I'm using my MT3 collets however if I use my chuck, this hand cranks larger hole fits onto the spindle nut and has locating pins and a small set screw to secure it) Of course, in this case the side cover must be removed.
Just 2 more hand made tools to make my life easier. LOL