Thanks Joe for the reply.
I suppose I should give an up date on the wife.
First off yes panic attacks are very real and are often augmented by an actual medical condition.
My wife has pretty much always been very slender some would say down right skinny.
25 to 30 years ago up to the time we went to Kuwait,when we had our machine and fab shop folks and doctors alike couldn't believe that she weighed 135lbs her 5ft9 stature and her nearly absent body fat percentage made her look as though she might weigh a max of around 100 lbs. same as me I was 5 11 and weighed 210 lbs wore a 32 waist jeans I'm quite a bit different now still 5 11 but down to 198 on a good day but my waist has expanded to 34.
Anyway she has always had higher than optimum BP which can be a real problem for thin people as much or more so than for someone a bet more on the portly side. the denser the body tissue the harder it is for veins and arteries to expand just like people who carry around an extra 100 lbs it is harder to pump blood through the real body tissue since there are very little to no blood vessels in that yellow stuff.
Her DR back then diagnosed her high BP as being anxiety but put her on 2 bp meds and of all things valium which she took faithfully for many years But while in Q8 and mostly just sitting around or working in the office she began to loose her muscle mass and dropped weight as well she began to complain to the Dr over there that she felt a lot of her problems were caused by the valium. Not being fully aware of her med history he was reluctant to reduce or stop the prescription so she began cutting her pills in half and eventyally taking a half of one every other day until after about 3 months stopped taking it all together. She had begun to feel better all along although her BP still needed to be regulated.
Advance to stateside years later. her weight down to 105 skinnier than ever BP still needs regulated new DR changed meds weight drops to 85 can see joints in arms and legs BP still rampant DR changes meds again and again results improve briefly then one day she has an episode We call it an episode because there doesn't seem to be a better word for it. She goes lethargic completely unresponsive to everything rush her to the ER they take 1 look and blast her way to a hospital spends 3 days in CICU BP at times is 90/50 5 minutes later it is 200/ 120 roller coasters like that for 48 hrs her weight was 80lbs nothing but skeleton with skin while In CICU they discover she had somehow acquired a broken hip can't operate until they have her stabilized on the 3rd day they insert a pin and screws 2 weeks in ICU weight comes up to 87 lbs transfer to room another 2 weeks then to a nursing rehab for 3 months She was in the nursing rehab before she even knew who I was and couldn't recall much of anything else. Eventually her weight is back up to 112 lbs 75% recall of most things. Discharged had to use a rolling walker for several months while we were making our move out here. gets stronger full recall stashes walker away in back closet rides lawnmower pushes walk behind mower tends to flowers and pets takes care of the chickens helps in the garden goes to the woods and loads the fire wood while I cut it up Everything seems fine but numbness in leg and foot starts goes to ER gets sent to hospital they do 2 by passes in her leg and 1 stint in her leg same leg with broken hip. year goes by leads up to this last event. now a couple months past new BP meds BP regularly checked morning and night always in good normal range Hopefully they have the problem held at bay. plus she has taken a liking to my heavy use of garlic and onions I'm sure that helps