Ariana Grande stats - hope she does not put on weight as we will have another ever moving additional variant to our measurement system.
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Ariana Grande stats - hope she does not put on weight as we will have another ever moving additional variant to our measurement system.
I'd neither name her, post picture or embarrass her in any manner what-so-ever; the tenant of my house blows Grande away. Hispanic, near identical age height & weight, proper hair color, polite, very reserved yet good humored, incredible cook, and the most dedicated Mother I've ever met.
I certainly meant no disrespect to her. Just making a joke, perhaps a bad one, in regard to size vs name.
FWIW, in case you thought it was only media outlets that pushed these sorts of comparisons, this is straight from a NASA activity quiz for 5-12 year olds, here:
Hello Jon,
You hit the nail on the head when you put 'media outlets' and '5 to 12 year olds' in the same sentence.
This is a good one, below is quoted from this article
"The researchers calculated the mass of New York buildings and determined their downward pressure on the Earth. They also presented satellite-image evidence of gradual sinking caused by the city’s impressive structures.
The buildings in New York weigh 1.68 trillion pounds total, according to the researchers — a mass that The Guardian equated to 140 million elephants (presumably the large African kind)."
End of quote. (bold added to highlight the other measurement system)
They are looking for solutions to help stop the sinking of the buildings. I may have to suggest they fill all of the buildings with HELIUM to make them lighter!!!! :smash:
This explains a lot:
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