Mini Countryman? Clubman? Convertible?
All I know, too damn big for my double BBQ.
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Mini Countryman? Clubman? Convertible?
All I know, too damn big for my double BBQ.
My 1969 Innocenti Mini roughly the size of a cord of wood, 4'x4'x8', 128 cubic feet...
A pig that got out is newsworthy to this journalist. It's a good thing that Twitter is there to let them tell the world about it.
Get a bucket and walk it back to the pen before it shadows another Mini Cooper.
Note how disparate the comparison is between a hog and a Mini Cooper. They could've just said: "A hog as big as a cow" or "A hog as big as a buffalo". Everyone can picture that. By contrast, here they do compare something to the size of an animal. But it's an asteroid, and it's over 100 times the size of that animal.
What's equivalence between 112 camels (having never sat on a camel) to X amount of drywall installers on stilts, or perhaps scissor-lift testers?
There are approximately 43 dromedaries per football field. That should help with your calculation.
That's clear;
"Camel belongs to Kingdom Animalia. The Phylum is Chordata.The Class of the camel is Mammalia. The Order is Artiodactyla. Camel belongs to the family Camelidae. The scientific name of camels is Camelus, as a even-toed ungulate in the genus Camelus bearing distinctive fatty deposits known as "humps" on its back. Camels have long been domesticated." Main difference between dromedaries and bactrian camels is in fact the number of humps.
I thought the scale was based on the label of a variety of products, includes dates, figs, coconut, fruit butters, and tapioca.
Is the field reference for American football, Spanish fútbol, or Gaelic football from Ireland?