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True for very small values of "approximately".
Only in Woke math is it true that 7*360 = 360, so we don't racially discriminate against the integer seven; it's just like all the other colonial integers.
Unsure who originated that 1 field more or less approximates 7 woke is it make the statement, yet only depict 6?
I might be missing the point, backwardness does that to me. Wagering a majority view things their way as well.
Attachment 39788
Mr. Carrey did this 24 June 1990; or 30 years, 11 months, 17 days ago. He derided men participating sports where they didn't belong. One narrow agenda still campaigns this is not only OK, even underwriting it.
Well, you've finally confused the living be-jesus out of me!
When things went over to metrick, they said I'd get taller, but I'm still only 5'6"
well Jon the admin posted this, I can't figure out what it is supposed to mean, maybe Jon can enlighten...
2 + 2 = 5
. . . for larger values of 2
Im knot going to try to figure out the pie required to figure kilos to miles.Ill stay with cobbler.